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Tonka DSC Daily Question:

Monday, April 19


Prompt: What percentage of American teens often use public wifi to complete assignments?



  • a) 7%

  • b) 12%

  • c) 17%

  • d) 22%



b) 12%. Teens having to use public wifi to complete and submit their schoolwork is a major barrier to their success, because it gives them less time to complete work, and importantly fewer options than their peers with internet.


Sunday, April 18


Prompt: What percentage of African American teens face difficulties with schoolwork due to lack of tech access?



  • a) 5%

  • b) 10%

  • c) 15%

  • d) 25%



d) 25%. African American teens statistically have low access to technology, and are at a greater risk of falling victim to the digital divide compared to white teens.


Saturday, April 17


Prompt: About how many US households cannot afford internet in 2020?



  • a) 5 million

  • b) 10 million

  • c) 20 million

  • d) 40 million



c) 20 million. For those without internet, it’s not a matter of not wanting it, it’s about how expensive it is. This puts less financially stable families at a much greater risk of falling behind digitally.


Friday, April 16


Prompt: According to a report from June of 2020, what % of K-12th grade students are not ready to engage in remote learning?



  • a) 20%

  • b) 30%

  • c) 35%

  • d) 45%



b) 30%. This lack of readiness could come from many different sources, from poor internet connections to little or no technology access. It signifies how much of an issue the digital divide has been as recently as last year.


Thursday, April 15


Prompt: According to the Minnesota Compass, what % of households in the Twin Cities metro area do not have any internet?



  • a) 3%

  • b) 7%

  • c) 10%

  • d) 13%



d) 13%. When students don't have reliable internet at home, they need to rely on going to other locations to gain access. This is a major inconvenience, and hurts their academic success in the long run.


Wednesday, April 14


Prompt: What % of people in Minnesota do not have access to basic broadband internet?



  • a) 4%

  • b) 9%

  • c) 12%

  • d) 19%



c) 12%. People without broadband comprise a surprisingly large percentage of our population. Alternatives to broadband, such as dial up or possibly no internet at all, run students the risk of leaving them behind their classmates.


Tuesday, April 13


Prompt: About how many households still use dial-up in Minnesota?



  • a) 14,000

  • b) 18,000

  • c) 23,000

  • d) 29,000



a) 14,000. Dial up internet still remains commonly used in Minnesota. It’s prevalence widens the digital divide, as this type of internet comes with high amounts of latency, poor upload and download speeds, and overall worse quality than broadband.


Monday, April 12


Prompt: What percentage of US adults have a moderate or higher level of digital readiness?



  • a) 71%

  • b) 84%

  • c) 91%

  • d) 97%



a) 71%. Computers and technology are used across all types of fields in the modern day, but 29% of adults still don’t have a moderate level of digital readiness. By preparing today’s kids with the right resources, we can prevent the digital divide from widening in the future.


Sunday, April 11


Prompt: According to a 2015 survey, what percentage of US households don't own a laptop or computer?



  • a) 8%

  • b) 14%

  • c) 19%

  • d) 22%



d) 22%. Even as of just a few years ago, there’s still a very large portion of the US that isn’t able to afford any type of laptop or computer.


Saturday, April 10


Prompt: What percentage of MHS students don't have reliable access to a computer?



  • a) 5%

  • b) 10%

  • c) 15%

  • d) 20%



b) 10%. Despite how reliant MHS is on using technology in education, 10% of our students still aren’t always able to use computers at home. This affects even simple tasks like printing assignments and viewing certain websites and activities.


Friday, April 9


Prompt: What number of women globally do not have access to the internet?



  • a) 800 million

  • b) 1.2 billion

  • c) 2.5 billion

  • d) 3.2 billion



b) 1.2 billion. While all types of groups are victims of the digital divide, women are categorically more affected by it than men. Creating opportunities for them equal to those of men benefits not just the women themselves, but our society as a whole.


Thursday, April 8


Prompt: What number of women globally do not have access to the internet?



  • a) 800 million

  • b) 1.2 billion

  • c) 2.5 billion

  • d) 3.2 billion



b) 1.2 billion. While all types of groups are victims of the digital divide, women are categorically more affected by it than men. Creating opportunities for them equal to those of men benefits not just the women themselves, but our society as a whole.


Wednesday, April 7


Prompt: According to the Department of Labor, what percentage of jobs require computer skills in 2020?



  • a) 56%

  • b) 67%

  • c) 77%

  • d) 87%



c) 77%. Learning how to use computers is becoming an increasingly valuable skill. Without access to them in schools or at home, kids are at risk of falling behind and losing opportunities later in life compared to their peers.


Tuesday, April 6


Prompt: What percent of high schoolers cannot finish their homework due to a reliable computer or internet?



  • a) 4%

  • b) 13%

  • c) 15%

  • d) 17%



d) 17%. Without access to the right technology, it becomes much harder for kids to complete assignments, communicate with their peers, and upload work in a timely manner, which have become universal expectations in districts across the US.


Monday, April 5


Prompt: What percent of high school students do not have high-speed internet at home?



  • a) 5%

  • b) 10%

  • c) 15%

  • d) 20%



c) 15%. High speed internet for many seems ubiquitous, but a surprising portion of kids don't have it. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the connection between access and academic success.

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