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Minnesota is a top state nationally in digital access!

Topic 1: Minnesota is ranked number 1 in Laptop/Desktop Device Access 


Using aggregated statistics from 2019, the top five states for access and use of a laptop/desktop (by the percentage of population) are:

    1. Minnesota

    2. New Jersey

    3. Delaware

    4. District of Columbia

    5. South Dakota



Topic 2: Minnesota is ranked number 8 in General Internet Access


Using aggregated statistics from 2019, considering the internet use at any location, at home, at school, and the high-speed internet service used at home, the top five states for internet use (by the percentage of population) are:

    1. Utah

    2. District of Columbia (D.C.)

    3. Rhode Island

    4. New Jersey

    5. Maryland


Without the inclusion of the high-speed internet service used at home statistic, Minnesota is in the top five.


Topic 3: Data Source


All data for this project was sourced from the NTIA Digital Nation Data Explorer [] with the November 2019 data. A link to the processing that we did on the data can be found here.

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